A strange dream

Last night, I dreamed about something strange. Here is my dream :

A lonely cactus in the desert

Afficher l’image sourceHenri was a lonely cactus living in the desert. In his mind, he was the only cactus in the world. One day, he met an old man, the only man he had ever seen. At first, he found in this man something strange. He was walking with a single bottle of water and nothing in his feet. So, Henri wanted to be the old man’s friend.

The old man told him lots of strange things. He told him that when you believe in life, everything is possible. He also told him that when he is taking walks in the desert, he always brings a single bottle of water because he trusts life to put an oasis on his road. So, excited, Henri asked the old man to have water. The man gave him a drop of the content of his bottle, but Henri asked for more. The man explained to him that if he took more water, he could die. The water had to be taken once in awhile, so he could appreciate it more.

Henri, happy of his new friend, didn’t want him to leave. But, the man couldn’t stay longer, because he had to go back home. His place wasn’t in the desert. The cactus wanted the old man to take him with him. He was tired of always being alone and the old man was the only friend he had ever had. But he couldn’t go with him, because he would die. Henri was ready to die for the old man.

When the man had to leave, he gave Henri a piece of his shirt. He told him to never lose it, so that, when he will come back, he could recognize him. The cactus was so sad that he cried every days of that year.

365 days later, the old man came back to see Henri. But he wasn’t there anymore. Henri died of grief. A single piece of shirt was in the sand. He took it, and he went to join his friend in paradise.


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